Monday, March 9

"By the time I recognize this moment, this moment will be gone"

Thank you John Mayer for an excellent quote - was listening to Heavier Things in the car this morning (my book on tape ended, just in time) and really felt this line.

This week (pre-Wedding week) will go by super fast. Today has already been like a snap.


Too quick. Did I get everything I needed to get done today (no, but the day is not yet over), did I work on work (this is my current goal at work, sounds stupid but I am a huge multitasker and sometimes I can't control myself)? Am I going to lose my mind or will things be fine?

The question still remains.

My folks are coming into town today - they are currently in the air (I think - or I hope actually). Friends are coming in the rest of the week. My family, people I haven't seen in one year... five years. We are truly blessed to have so many people coming to see us.

It's just crazy.

I wish we could do like a week get-together and ALL of the people I want to be here would be here. Those I haven't talked to for ages, but remember stories/times like they were yesterday. Especially college friends. I have three coming - but I wish it were more. I have grad school friends coming too - many more than college. Our friends here in Orlando are the biggest group. How would I love to just have a week long get together - getting to remember those fun times we have had together over the years, but now only remember.

And I wish I could have every one of my new, old, crazy, silly, strange friends get along. I know they won't 'become friends', but have a good time together regardless of having 'me' or 'Darin' in common.

And to just share the life I have now with the life I used to have before in those other cities.

But I'm excited to get just a teeny tiny bit of that. It will be perfect just the same.

Hope you are excited for us and the thousands of pictures to come.

"But I will bend the light pretending, that it somehow lingered on."

- John Mayer, "Clarity"

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