Wednesday, February 23

GL Post Two

More pretty shots:

This is what I think of when I think of Florida winters.
Sunshine and tall pine trees.


They kind of look peaceful.

A pea-cock. Ha.

Another * yikes.

Darin's parents and my parents (and us too) all went to try something new and different. And boy did we get it. You think that this place would be a distance away from civilization, but no. It's right in the south part of town.

But it really was great. And a beautiful (though somewhat chilly for FL day). And I got to hold a tarantula. Yeah for spiders! And I didn't scream! (Was hoping for a opossum - guy thought I was nuts!)

If you come and visit, I'd go back in a heart beat. Might be fun to see what the gators do when it's not cold out. (They were pretty lazy).

GL Post One

Wow. Long time ago.

After Thanksgiving. Before Christmas.

We went to G@torland.

Had a great time - as you will see through pictures!

It was cold. They were in the sunshine.

A favorite. Classic, isn't it?

I'm gonna eat you.
But I won't move. So, you win this one.

You'd think they'd be a little scared?

Too cute. For. Words.

As close as we'll get!
