Friday, July 23

Tomatoe or Tomato

I have to admit that Darin has a green thumb.

His babies have been doing very well; we water them in the morning and afternoon, give them plant food, and make sure they get lots of sunshine. (We do live in Florida!) I never though that we'd have so much luck with our garden.

For some reason, the zucchini haven't been doing too well. I think Darin planted them too close together and they got too big too soon. They seem to be trying again though, so we'll see.


Have other photos of other veggies though:

(1) cherry tomatoes

(2) green bell pepper

(3) jalapeno pepper

Our neighbors were getting excited after seeing some red pop out of our mini-garden. Darin and I both think that we'll have a gazillion tomatoes. I've never seen so many before. That we have probably over 20 of the 8-rows (see picture) - incredible.

We were planning on making a pasta salad that our friend Kerry used to make. I was thinking a caprese salad as well would taste pretty good too. Numm. We will have to see how good everything grows!

Now we just need to make sure Jake doesn't learn how to eat the veggies off their stocks. That would be bad indeed.

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