Thursday, November 18

Jake, Every Day Events

Thought I hadn't written about Jacob Tiger lately. I was looking through some pictures the other day on my phone and decided it would be fun to share.

Side note: We have some what thought of changing Jake's middle name from Tiger. It's mainly because of his similarities between one of our favorite current basketball players: Dwight H0ward.

Little head, super huge body.
(You can't really tell in this photo.)

But Jake's head was so big, it slipped though his collar so many times, that we had to get him a body collar. And he's super muscular too. Plus we're big fans of the real Dwight.

So Jacob Tiger Dwight L-E. JTDLE.

It's quite a name really.

Back to photos...

Found this one in my memory on my phone.
The bunny was found during packing.
And was riding Jake for some time before he realized it.
Very funny actually.

On the car trip up to visit Kucku/Anu
He's pretty sleepy in the car.
Has his bed and other pillows to sleep on.
Yes, he's spoiled.

At the house while we were painting.
He was tuckered out.
And probably enjoyed the nice cool floor.

In bath tub.
We were watching TV and noticed he was not around.
Went to find him.
He was in the bath tub.
Trying to get the soap (orange thing).
He loved the water.

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