Monday, December 20

Another 30th

Another friend turned the big 3-0. (Yikes!)

This time it was Becky:

The blond one :)

A whole group got together to celebrate with her - at this fantastic restaurant. We hadn't been there for quite some time - I love the cheesecake. So good. In fact, it was the first restaurant where I actually liked the cheesecake (and this was not too long ago) because before I wasn't too fond of it. (It's my father's favorite dessert). I ended up getting the lettuce wraps. I would like some now please. Thanks.

Her SIL and CIL got her the best gifts - a bunch of "old" people stuff: diapers, prunes, denture cream, etc. It was AWESOME.

The group was huge - maybe like 20-25 people. Some how we got seated at the kids table. Between kids. Poor Darin.

Sweet baby S.

M. in the stripes.

Jeff and little D.

It turned out to be a great evening. Always interesting when there were children involved. Found out that baby S. really really likes fresh whipped cream. Kept her busy for quite some time while her Mama got ready to go. She still was a bit afraid of Darin. She'll learn eventually that he's just terrified of her, and she can do whatever she wants to. :)

Happy Birthday Becky!

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