Sunday, May 17

MUSC Festivities

This past Friday, Darin and my very good friend, Kucku, officially obtained her Ph.D in Neuroscience from MUSC (Medical University of South Carolina). We were so proud of her and her accomplishments, and wish her the best of luck for future endeavors.

Congratulations Dr. Kucku!

Oh yeah! (Like the Cool-Aid man.)

We were so excited to celebrate with her and her family - such a good time! Ended up driving up to Charleston on Thursday (got in kind of late) and going to the graduation on Friday. We got to Charleston, found parking, and got to the ceremony.

MUSC Library

Let me say only one thing. No, two things.

1. It was outside. In Charleston. In Summer. H.O.T.
2. The commencement speaker was Steven Colbert. No kidding. Fantastic. Guess his father was a Provost of MUSC in the 70s. Yep. He got an honorary degree.

Damn Sexy!

Kucku. (Really, it was.)

I have to admit though that we didn't stay for the whole thing because we were terrible friends - had to get out of the hotel room and we were afraid they would do something to Jake. So we left early... and it was hot too.

Drove up to north to drop of Jake at his cousins' house, and came back down to Charleston to join everyone for dinner that night. Ended up going to Mistral on South Market. It's this fantastic French restaurant - so good, drooling good.

After creme brulee.

We ate some wonderful food (no pictures included, sorry) and then went walking around the city. I absolutely love Charleston - everything about it. We get up there whenever we can...

Ahh, Steve, we love you man.

Just a pretty picture.

I didn't get a picture of the whole group - there was Paul and Ann, Anoop and Martha (Kucku's sister and BIL) and niece too, and Darin and I. It was marvelous - only wish we could have gone on a ghost tour of Charleston as well.

Anyways, it's always fun celebrating with friends especially on such special occasions!

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