Friday, June 19

Whose Sixty?

Last week we celebrated a good friend of ours birthday :

Joe turned sixty!

Ha ha, Over the Hill!

Happy 60th Joe!

Somehow his coworkers got him to come to Smokey Bones in Waterford Lakes all the way from Park Ave in Winter Park - and a group of us were waiting to surprise him!

Don't you love a good surprise party?

I didn't get a picture of him being surprised (bad lighting), but he really was. There were like 12 of us waiting at a table just when you walked into the restaurant... he kept saying he was going to go home to take out the dogs... but we knew he wouldn't let down a friend.

Some of the group:
Russell, Bill, Teddy, and Tammie

Tammie and Joe!
She made him wear the hat for like 30 seconds...

Russell and Darin

Olga and Anatoly (my coworkers)

Darin and Del

Tammie (Joe's wife) ordered a whole bunch of nummy appetizers - they had pulled pork nachos. Damn good! And then we got these crazy drinks (I didn't, but others did) in little pitchers. Ha ha. It was a great celebration and a nice way to relax after a beginning week (we went on Wednesday)!

Side note: we know Joe from where I used to (and Darin currently) work. He became a great person to b*tch to about all our troubles (as he was experiencing similar difficulties) and fun to go out with and watch him drink appletinis. He also helped me get my current job! Yeah for Joe!

Love. Birthdays.

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