Wednesday, June 3

Florida Annoyances

Wherever you live, things about that particular region can bug you.

Ha. Pun intended?!

Here in Orlando, I am particularly annoyed with the wide variety and number of bugs present in the summer.


Is it the warm climate? Rain? Sunshine? I don't know. But like tourists, bugs just swarm here. And it's annoying.

In May, we had love bugs. They are actually pretty fun just to look at, kill (I'm evil, I know this already), and for Jake to try and eat. He'll snap at them when they fly by. It's pretty funny - and in case you didn't know, he's terrified of most bugs. Very strange, but the love bugs don't seem to bother him.

Now, we have June bugs. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I probably hate these guys more than spiders. Not more than mosquitoes. (Can come close to that... remember this?)

I guess the rain has brought them 'out'? But they are everywhere and think I am a tree and try to land on me. They bombard Jake and me when we head outside for a night walk. They tip-tip-tap the windows each and every night trying to get inside. Even without lights on. They are driving. me. crazy.

So I took a picture of them the other night. For you to see. At least three get into the house every night. And I have to hunt them down and squish them. It's gross.

Front porch.

I think they think the front porch is a resort of some sort. Not sure why they like it so much.

Close up. Not taken by me.


There are also mushrooms growing everywhere. I think that's because of the rain as well. I do not like mushrooms. They are gross. (But fun to kick!)


Jake trying to understand the mushroom

I am exciting about cutting the grass this weekend and killing all of the mushrooms. Having their pieces go every which way. Thankfully Jake has not eaten them at all. Or taken any interest in them.

Not sure what I would do if my dog liked mushrooms. Can you disown a dog?

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