Tuesday, April 6

Anna Maria Visit

Spring Break was a wonderful idea, especially while growing up. We'd go to Florida or Alabama, enjoy the sunshine, get the much needed break, and be with each other getting burnt and eating too much food.

Now Spring Break was when the students weren't on campus and traffic was good! (Only took 20 minutes to get to work compared to my normal 35.)

This year, I got to celebrate Spring Break with Julie and Justin AND Julie's parents. You see, Julie and Justin were teachers and get Spring Break still. Amazing concept really.

I went over to Anna Maria Island (just south of Tampa) to visit for a day and a half.

And get a mini-Spring Break.

Unfortunately the weather didn't really cooperate, but I got to spend time with the friends which was about perfect.

The first night we ended up walking the beach - it's so different then our beach at Cocoa. So many sea shells! I love sea shells.

Angry sky and ocean

Before Monster Julie

After Monster Julie

We walked around for awhile searching for shells for Justin's science class - found lots of fun little bits of shells with cool textures and shapes.

It wasn't too warm, but it was still the beach! Definitely something to celebrate.

Justin and Julie. So cute!

Spent a lot of time talking to Julie's parents (I've know them since I was in 6th grade - same as how long I've known Julie) and Julie about life and all that jazz.

I got to read my book.

And relax.

And sit outside in the sunshine the next morning (the weather was a bit better).

And enjoy my friends.

Kathy, Bob, Julie, Justin, and Del

Happy Spring Break!

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