Thursday, April 8

Special Trees

We have these special trees in our yard.

They are old and majestic - spreading their branches far and off. They offer shade and beauty. Are home to squirrels and protect the staghorn ferns.

And they are also monster trees.

They spread their stupid annoying spores everywhere.

They contaminate people - especially me.

Thought I'd share since I can't go outside for any amount of time.

It's bad this year - allergy season. Worst yet.

Up Close and Personal

Not too bad...

From two days.
I blew it clean two days before.

And for comparison, the across the street neighbor's driveway.

You see what I mean.

So let me complain, okay? I think they are almost done.

Those evil oak sperm creators.

(Can you tell I got a new camera? Yep. Broke my old one. Have never broken one before. Oops.)

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