Wednesday, June 30

Lightning Strikes

Been meaning to blog - and actually have a few in line to go.

But, we don't have any internet at home because the house was struck twice by lightning while I was away.

Yes. Lightning.

Yes. Twice.

(Our neighbor saw it!)

The first strike (we think) hit the lightning-propellant system that the house has (basically the house is grounded) and no damage was done. Unfortunately it's only good for one strike. Oops.

The second strike came in through the cable and got the DVD players and the modem/cable.

The cable guy came out to fix the cable (right away. must. have. cable.), but the wireless was fried and we didn't know the modem was also fried until we got a new router... which didn't work last night.

So no pictures.

Sad really.

Will work hard this weekend go get everything set so I can share my trip.

And Jake/Maggie.

And the veggies!

Good thing is the garage door opener wasn't broken. Phew. Lots of the circuits in the house might still be fried - have to get an electrician in to double check.

Then we will be as good as new!

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