Tuesday, June 1

A Proud Moment

Last year, we decided to plant a garden. Darin spend at least a whole weekend digging up a patch of grass next to the house (in the sunshine!) in Jake's fenced in yard. We decided he would be a good watch dog for animals and such. We got the seeds, the 1x4, and realized the wood we had gotten was treated and you weren't supposed to use it for gardening.

So we went and got untreated wood.

And it sat in the garage for over 8 months.


When I was in California (a month or so ago), Darin actually re-dug the garden, cut the wood, and planted the seeds.

This was 100% Darin's.

Garden, Week 1

We also got some jalapeno plants from our neighbor Jeff. Those were the plants on the left front (near the wood). And then we waited for the plants to come in.

It was actually pretty exciting - mostly because Darin doesn't remember where he put what and kind of put too many seeds in.

Garden, Week 4

As far as we can tell, we have broccoli (back left), with zucchini over growing everything else (back middle) and something on the back right. Carrots maybe? In the front was the jalapenos, then the middle was another unknown, and then tomatoes (front right).

We water the garden twice a day.

And it's doing very well. Darin was very proud of his garden. We're looking forward to the zucchini coming in - probably will be pretty soon.

And then I can make zucchini bread!

I'll keep updating on the status of the garden.

Please think positive thoughts towards our garden growing, and Jake not noticing the veggies that will soon be popping up and/or lizards that might live there and/or dirt that might be fun to dig.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soooooooooo........ Did Darin kill all the peppers I gave him? :) Goestavus got his first jalepeno tonight! He hasn't tried it yet but it is huge and looks good! If Darin hadn't killed it's brothers, you too might have jalepenos! Good luck with the rest of the garden! Diana