Thursday, June 3

VD Picnic

The company I work for had a summer celebration last Friday. I don't think it was associated with Memorial Day, but it felt like it.

We went to a near by park - and enjoyed the outdoors.

A great thing about the company I work for were the wide variety of foods we brought. We have a lot of foreigners - which meant fantastic food!

Food, table one

Food, table two

I ended up bring a nummy corn salsa (for the vegetarians), a pasta/fried chicken salad, and a dump cake with frosting my Mom had been telling me about the weekend before!

There was a lot of food!

After lunch, we had a volleyball game (see picture above). Man was that sand hot and messy. I got sand in places sand should not go.

But it cooled off and we enjoyed ourselves. I tried to get our CSO (Chief Science Officer) to bring a keg, but he wouldn't. He said he couldn't fit it on his motorcycle! Boo hoo. I guess it was a company party...

Nothing like a good picnic. Now I am craving homemade samosas. Drool.

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