Wednesday, December 17

Christmas Weekend

Last Friday, Jake and I headed up to Pawleys Island, SC to visit our 'other' family: Margie and Bob. They moved there, what eight years ago?, from my hometown, and I visited them quite often when I was in Clemson.

To do my laundry and get some chicken bog (or chicken bob as Darin likes to call it).

Anyways, Jake and I went to to celebrate Margie's birthday on the 12th and also to help out with the neighborhood party they have annually at their house.


We got there around 8:30 pm for a nice dinner of hamburgers because Margie was sick as a dog. AKA she had bronchitis. Fan-tas-tic.

Bob and Margie re-gift cards every year... this one was a good old one!

It was a perfect cake.

She was secluded to the other end of the table because she was contaminated.
(We 409ed the heck out of that table and the telephone.)

Jake was very happy with Bob's shoe.
I just missed the shot with his head in the shoe.

One of the things I looked forward to the most around this time of year was Margie's decorations in her house. She has all of these wooden dolls, horses, etc. from Holland (?) maybe and Germany that were placed with care all around the house. (I do have to mention that last year we had to help put them away, which was a little annoying. There were lots of the little guys.)

Aren't they wonderful?

The next day, Saturday, we got ready for the x amount of neighbors who were coming for the holiday party. We did cheese and crackers, pizza on rye, beer cheese dip, meat-cheese spread, ham, more cheese, some weird blue cheese in cheddar cheese block. (Margie liked cheese. Or we all did, I guess.)

Wine. Yikes.

And did I mention the wine? Or bar area? Last year Darin somehow got to be the bartender and made some very stiff drinks for the neighbors - probably a good reason why they came back this year...

Will he?

And the nuts. They were in two places in the family room. Temptation...

It was a very fun party - I talked to Joanie most of the time and tried to figure out who was who. And worked on the beer cheese because I love beer cheese. And it was good. Oh so good.

At least he can sit.

Jake was allowed in the last half of the party and ended up just following people around hunting/begging for food. It was very amusing. Everyone did enjoy his company, and he got lots and lots of bits of ham.

It was a fast weekend, but well worth the trip. I miss getting to see them every month or so.

Love you guys!

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