Monday, May 17

Clemson - Graduation and Dogs

On May 7th, my dearest friend LaShan graduated with her PhD in Bioengineering.

And we were there to celebrate with her!


Ended up driving up there (with Jake!) on Thursday night because we wanted to see her officially graduate. We kind of got bad seats, but could actually see her pretty well on the floor and on the screen.

Before people were there.

We waited maybe 15 minutes after she was finished (being hooded and all that jazz) before we left. We were tired. Sigh.

Afterward, she had a get together near the school at a park with bbq. Numm numm.

CU BioE Fantastic-o Women

Cassie (in the black/white sleeveless) our hostess for the weekend took us on an official tour of the new bioengineering department. It had changed so much. Crazy!

BUT wanted to share some old memories with some blog readers - you know who you are...

413. Our old hangout area.
Now a lab.

The old rig setup. Nothing changed at all.

2nd floor lab. Seriously. Same everything.

It was strange to be back there - I feel like I spent so much of my time in that building. In actuality, I probably should have spent more time there. Ha ha. Got to see some old teachers (not old in age...) and some of the new spaces that were now there. I'll always be so proud to have gotten a degree from such a fantastic place!


That evening Cassie, Thadd (her husband and our co-host), Darin, and I went out to Fatz for dinner. It's a true South Carolina place with great food and these delicious poppy seed rolls. Might have eaten a whole basket by myself. There was honey butter people.

Jake and Jesse became fast friends. They were quite hillarious. Jake would take a toy from Jesse's numerous toy basket area, try to get Jesse to take it (which he wouldn't), drop it, and then go get another toy. This was what their living room looked like after 20 minutes:



It was funny to watch. He was just being his normal strange self. Poor Jesse didn't know what to do with this weird dog around and ended up sitting on the couch by his mama watching tv.

After tv watching and picture viewing, we went to sleep because we were exhausted! Had a terrific day though and we were so glad to have come up for such an exciting event.

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