Tuesday, August 10

Plant Fruit

Fruits of our labor.

Like fruit of the loom. Ha ha.

Cayenne peppers, green bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, and basil.

The green bell pepper is actually the normal size of a green bell pepper. Amazes me. And they smell so very good. Peppery and sweet and spicy.

The tomatoes are just crazy. We get about this many every 4-5 days. I tried to make sauce yesterday (turned out good I think), but haven't eaten any yet. For some reason we tend to just eat the tomatoes instead of actually cooking with them. Really though, what can you use cherry tomatoes for? Sigh.

Someone else likes them too:

He took one last week and buried it in the covers of his bed (in the second bedroom, and yes we call it his bed because he sleeps in there during the day because it's cool). Tried to get him to eat a cayenne pepper last night but wimped out because we didn't want to deal with the consequences.

Crazy farmers we are.


Maria said...

Dehydrate them and save them for winter pizzas; use them in salads; make a fresh pasta dish with raw tomatoes (quartered); pasta salad...

The Writer said...

@ Maria - Great ideas. Must try. We're making pasta salad next week, and I'll probably try sauce again soon!

DEP said...

If you wait for the cayenne peppers to grow bright red before picking them they will taste better! Good haul! :)