Tuesday, July 21

Seattle Summer 2009: Day 1

Flew to Seattle two weeks ago to see if it was true what they've been saying - that it's actually very beautiful and the weather is nice.

And even though I always seem to experience rain or ice or snow, this time was good. Great even. Though it was a shock to my system (come on, Florida summers anyone?), I got used to the perfect weather and strong sunshine.

Got in Wednesday night and after a quick stop at Dru's apartment, we drove up to my folks. (Well not Dru, she had to work. Boo.)

The next morning (we were having a 'relaxing' day) after I slept in, we took a ride to walk around Washington Park. If you remember, last time I was there it was snowing. There was a vast difference!

Happy Walkers!

And along the walkway were banana slugs. Fantastic.


I think Jake would try to eat one. It does look like a banana. Except it's slimy and has little antennae.

Cricket searching for bunnies * unsuccessfully, I might add

We walked those 2.x miles. Yikes. Talk about exercise.

The we went to the Market and rewarded ourselves.

Need I say more.

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