Saturday, January 16

Pioneered Seattle

We decided to let my parents have some quiet-time and headed down to Seattle for the evening. Ended up meeting Dru and her two other friends for Happy Hour (good wine and cheap good food!), and then headed off to our Priceline hotel. Nice.

Woke up and headed to downtown Seattle (which was where we were actually) to check out the Underground Tour. Dru and I happened to go on this during my first visit (almost five years ago!) and had a fantastic time. I decided Darin would really enjoy it - he's a history buff. Plus it's damn cool.

We walked from Pike Street Market down to Pioneer Square to where the tour started. Ended up getting there early, so we just hung out in the place. With all the other gazillion people.

Waiting in the black leather coats.

Then we started the tour. In case you don't know what I am talking about, you should go to the above link and check it out. But basically, Seattle was founded on a mud flat. It was gross. And wet. Then there was a fire (nobody died) and everything burnt down. Instead of building again on the mud flat, they built up like 15-30 feet on saw/wood dust stuff. But, the town didn't want to wait to build again so they built building normally, while the city built the roads at the high level. Now there are underground walkways to the first floor of the original buildings and the streets are on the second floor. Make sense? Read about it! It's cool.

Here we were on our tour:

That's the street above!

I would definitely recommend doing this tour if you're ever in Seattle. I already want to go again - it's just so damn neat.

After the tour, we walked back up to Pike Street for lunch. We had to have the chowder. So good. I am so glad that I started eating fish/fish-type things. Man, now I want some.

The sample pack. Great!

Afterward, we had to get ready for the evening. It was New Years Eve. And we had a party to attend. Dru picked us up (after she worked, ha!) and we headed over to her place to get things ready and to make some weird alcohol contraptions!

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