Wednesday, January 13

Thirteen Eagles

In case you were wondering, bald eagles are very abundant in NW Washington State.

Now we have a lot of eagles at the Orlando landfill too, but I guess you can't count that. I guess technically (technically) that the landfill is not their natural habitat. It's gotta make you wonder. Maybe a little? We really have a lot here. Like over 30 in that one given area.


If you drive East from my parent's house (headed up to Mt. Baker), you will drive around the area where they are? Breed? Eat. I think. Eat sounds right.

They are near the river (the un-named river) where there are fish for them to eat. Right?

Well, we found them!


We counted thirteen bald eagles on this trip. We saw others on different days, but this day there were 13. Pretty amazing actually. They're just hanging out. Looking for fish. Chillin'.

We also found two wineries.


Winery #1. Challenger Ridge.

Mom, Darin, and Dad.

Cold grapes. But in the sunshine.

Happy Mother and Darin.

For some reason I love this picture.

Grapes. Told you they were happy.
It's the sunshine.

Winery #2. Carpenter Creek.

We went in the second one kind of quickly. We were getting pretty hungry. And the sun was out and annoying the heck out of Darin and I.

* Side note - the sun in the Pacific Northwest during the winter doesn't go high in the sky like it does in Orlando. It stays in the mid-sky, at that annoying level when you're driving when you can't get it out of your eyes. And it gives you a headache. And it still is continuously there. So we complained and went home. I guess that was not the thing to do in a place where they don't get as much sunshine as we do.

Back to the story. We had a great time driving around. Dru stayed home and read this book. Like the whole book. Impressive.

But we got to explore. And drink wine. And we found this incredible bread bakery. And had a great day. And saw thirteen eagles.

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