Thursday, October 28

What Happened to the Peppers

Well, we moved.

This you know.

One thing (out of many actually) we were really going to miss was our garden.

And by our garden, I mean Darin's garden.

Here are some previous posts to keep you refreshed:

(1) Start
(2) Growing
(3) Crazy Growing and Multiplying

Because we moved and don't water the garden twice every day (this was the key to a great garden - who knew you just had to water it a lot?!), we knew it would eventually die out.

And it did. But can you see what's poking through?

RED. RED Peppers!

It was actually very funny to see all this dead stuff with bright red everywhere! Those peppers - well, never really seen anything quite so bright and cheerful (not that I'd eat them by-the-way. I'm not that crazy.)

Can't wait until we garden again. Next time maybe we'll go for food we actually both eat.

Just sayin'.

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