Saturday, November 15

Night Launch

Friday night there was a night launch out at NASA. The Cape was about a 25 minute drive from where we live - or Titusville was, for the matter. We go there to watch the launches - it's about as close as you can get without getting stuck in really bad traffic.

We took off about 1.5 hours before the 'time' 7:55 pm - you have to get there early because there was always a large turnout in the past - plus - it's a Friday night and gorgeous out.

Frank and Kucku met us at our house, where Darin, Kerry, Jake, and I jumped into their car to head off to get a good spot to park and sit.

Jake in Kerry's car.
For our enjoyment.

He was howling because he wasn't too fond of the flooring in the bed of the truck.

So as we're driving there, my sister called and asked what we were doing. I told her we were going to watch the launch and she asked where it was going.


To space, I answered.


I guess she was wondering where in space. Oops.

The ISS, in case you were wondering.

Here's Darin chillin'.


Jake and I took a long walk meeting some people - he was a little nervous (he gets concerned for the astronauts). By the time we came back we only had to wait like 10 minutes.

It's very very incredible. Something everyone should see in their lifetime. It's beautiful and magical. And scientific and wondrous. Fan-tas-tic.

(And I apologize for my random chatting...and that's the moon!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

neato!!! so cool!