Wednesday, November 26

Time to Celebrate, Part 2

Ethiopian Style.

On Monday night, a group of us (bigger group this time) took Kerry out for another celebration/party/get-together.

He had one on Saturday too, but I had to miss it because of work.

We decided to try something new - Ethiopian food.

Their coffee setup...
(that nobody got because it was 7 pm at night.
Who drinks coffee that late?)

We went to this restaurant on I-drive called Nile Ethiopian, which is like the only Ethiopian food here in Orlando - or so I've been told. If you want to read a very funny review about the restaurant, click on the above link. It's quite stupid.


Anu, Frank, Darin, Craig, Kucku
(Kerry was late.)



I've created a monster (or two really) when I started taking the 'fake' smile pictures. Now it's so hard not to do when smiling - and Kerry and Darin started to it as well. Super.

Craig, Anu, Kerry, Darin, Del, and Kucku

(The happy German)

If you look in the background of Frank's picture, you will see the TV we were all watching (patiently, I might add) while we waited for our food - we were all h.u.n.g.r.y. So hungry.

And rugby was on. Man. Rugby was one tough sport to watch. The All-Blacks were on, though so definitely worth watching.

And then... we got this.

Our food.
I don't know what it was. It was good though.






But then it was gone.

Ethiopian food was fun to eat - especially in a group. It's kind of like playing a game of survival of the fittest or trying to get to the mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving time at my house with my sister guarding them.

You had to be quick.

You have this rolled up bread stuff, injera, you take with your hands and kind of scoop up the food in it. Good times. And no utensils. I would definitely suggest trying it if you get the chance.

But we were still hungry.

So we celebrated some more at the Cheesecake Factory.

Anu, Kucku, Del, Darin
(I was happy because we were getting cheesecake!)

Honestly. Boys.

My precious.
(The tuxedo cheesecake)

Frank before the sugar coma.
(It's a giant hunk of fudge)

That was the evening. It was fun. And the food was interesting and good!

Congrats again to Dr. Kerry. Good Job!

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