Tuesday, February 3

Initital Festivities

So, the weekend of the 24th of January was my Bridal Shower. A whole bunch of wonderful people came into town to celebrate with me and give me presents. How great was that? My Mom and sister, Dru, came in on Wednesday night (from Seattle); Maggie came in on Thursday morning (from St. Louis) and KC on Thursday afternoon (from Guelph, Canada); Margie, Friday morning (from Pawleys, SC), and LaShan (from Clemson, SC) and Melissa (from Carlsbad, CA) on Friday night.

Thanks guys for flying all this way!

Thursday night (after a day of shopping), we went to Houlihans for dinner. Thanks Maggie! Had a terrific meal and some nummy drinks. Love love love the key lime martini.

Maggie, Mom, and Del
(Those were my martinis...)

The pretties...
(If you've noticed, I've gotten these before.)

Dru and KC. Yo.

Friday was Airport Day. Went three times to two different airports. Yikes. Poor Honey was confused (that's my car...). Darin and I also decided to try to smoke some ribs again for a special dinner.

KC and Jakey. She missed her pups, Lilly and Macy.
Jake also missed them and wants them to visit.

Jake was in heaven the whole time everyone was here - just because so many people took him for walks/runs and gave him extra food. Mom even bought some raw hide bones for him because she felt he was not getting enough treats. (He normally doesn't get them!)

Dinner was served - ribs and chicken with lots of veggies! Also TOO much stuff was bought from Costco and consumed.

L to R:
Mom, Dru, Del, Maggie, Darin, Margie, LaShan, KC, and Melissa
(missing Jake - probably under table by Melissa)

The older ladies decided to stay at a hotel for the visit, so when I was driving them there the rest of the ladies made the beautiful flower arrangements and favors for my Bridal Shower. Loved them!

KC, Melissa, and LaShan

While they were busy in the kitchen, Darin hid himself in the other room with Jake. There were a LOT of women around that weekend - poor Darin found himself kicked out of his office and wondering around looking for a place just for him.

On the couch in the other room!

More pictures of the Bridal Shower to follow.

1 comment:

KaritaG said...

awwww, that looks like so much fun! and, this guy I am dating right now is from Guelph originally. what do you think the odds are that he knows your friend? it's totally not a large town, right?!