Friday, February 20

SPCA Dog Walk: Valentines Day Galore

Valentine's Day was very special for us this year - we decided to just enjoy ourselves with other activities other than spending a lot of money on dinner. We do this unintentionally all of the time anyways, so...

Plus it was Darin and my fourth anniversary. Yikes. Glad to be getting married because we get to start back at zero. I think we were both kind of scared with the whole four years thing. That's a long time... not thinking about it. Moving on.


In the morning:

So last year we took Jake, the monster, to the walk with our friends Tammie and Joe, and their dogs Skippy (a skipperke) and Chianti (an Italian greyhound). Joe's sister and brother-in-law came too (they're from Chicago and I can't remember their names for the life of me.)

Joe used to work with Darin and me over at my previous job. He's a great guy and a blast to talk to! It's also nice to share old work gossip with him... Tammie works at Disney's Animal Kingdom and invited us to join their "pack". It's all about fundraising for the SPCA - good cause and fun times.

This year, Russell and Maggie, and his daughter-in-law, Diana and Piper, came along too.

Initially, we started around the same area to get a "pack" pictures. While I tried not to let Jake attack other dogs or get into fights, other normal dogs got to meet some friends and sniff.

Maggie with giant Great Dane. Yowza!
Now Maggie is a BIG dog. Oh dear!

Jake with his gentle lead.

Lady (Jake's cousin) being the good sociable dog that she is.
Also searching for squirrels.

Ms. Maggie Moe.

We then walked together as a group and walked around Lake Eola, which was right near downtown Orlando. It's always a wonderful place to go. And it was a beautiful day to walk a dog or thousands of dogs, for the matter.

Lady vs. Black Swan.

Darin, Russell, Joe's Family

Skippy. I love him.

Russell and Diana, with Maggie (+ drool) and Piper

Me. Sporting the red sunglasses.
Don't worry, I got rid of those...

The buddies.

After the walk around the lake, we all just chatted and talked about nothing. Good times. For some reason, it just happened to be totally exhausting! I think that we do a lot of moving around and worrying about dogs, etc. and that just sucked the energy out of us. Even the dogs!

Ended up going for lunch with the dogs. They were so thirsty!

Sucking down water.

Fun morning - can't wait for next year! And our "pack" raised the most money by far! Go us!


That evening, Darin and I went to see the ever so exciting UCF vs. Tulsa basketball game! Darin graduated from UCF and I from Tulsa. (Go TU) And I thought it would be fun/silly to go to a game. And it was our first time in the new arena.

Turned out to be a fantastic game! And though Tulsa lost WTF, it was exciting and we cheered and ate popcorn. Better than watching tv or a movie, hands down. A great way to end the day.

And that's it! We'll remember this one! Love you D.

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