Tuesday, February 10

The Unforgettable Party

Saturday night (night of the Bridal Shower), we took advantage of everyone being in town to try and get me as drunk as possible. Super.

Got all dolled up in our cute outfits and met at Carrie's house for some penis cake and pigs in the blanket. Melissa (with help) crafted the penis cake out of left over Costco chocolate banana cream cake that we ate the night before.

Said penis cake.

We weren't sure whether it looked like a penis or scissors. Kind of hard to tell with the chocolate swirls everywhere. Tried our damnest to make key lime martinis - ended up drinking a lot of appletinis. Got friends Sarah and Becky to try them and they now are appletini girls!

LaShan, Del, and Kucku.
Key lime martini and a pig in the blanket.
Good combination.

LaShan and Dru. They bonded.

Opened more presents!
Seriously, how crazy was this? Can you see it?

Got dressed up (thanks Melissa!) and headed out.

Went downtown to Wall Street and Chillers. It was a crazy night. I had these dice they made me roll: Dance With/Tell a Joke To/etc a Bald/Tall/Cute Guy. So I did... after a couple of drinks.

The dice. Pink dice.


KC was just waiting to try herself...

At Latitudes...
Becky, Sarah, Kucku, Del, KC, Dru, and Carrie

Almost everyone - no LaShan.

The ladies:
Carrie, Sarah, Del, Diana, and Becky
(And I have no idea where we were.)

The cleavage picture we sent to Maggie.
It was entertaining.

My Bridesmaids (missing Julie):
Melissa, KC, and Dru

Carrie, Kucku, and Del
(with random guy)

Melissa, Carrie, LaShan, Kucku, Del, Sarah, and Becky
(with random guy)

I also was wearing this spinning pin. I think it was the thing that had "tell a joke" on it. I told some stupid ass jokes. Well, I don't think they're stupid, but I guess everyone else did...

Do NOT remember this.

Also had "give a dollar"

The spin...

And the dollar.
I was very proud.

After trying to escape the club and find Darin (he stopped by for a second and left very quickly), finding everyone else again, going dancing on Wall Street and seeing Angie, going to the Lodge - why why - I felt like I was doing pretty good. Guess the car didn't quite agree with me...

Post Puke Del.

And they were mean and took pictures of me throwing up (which I will not post because it's my blog). But Dru thought this was the best picture. I kind of look like death a little.

It was definitely a memorable experience (from what I actually remember), and I had a great time. We did everything I wanted to do - and I didn't have to drink any stupid shots or kiss any gross guys. Ick. Just fun times and dice. Can wait until all you single ladies who get married and have bachlorette parties... I can and will take LOTS of pictures. :)

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