Thursday, July 23

Seattle Summer 2009: Day 3

Saturday was the day of all days.

One of the main reasons I went to Seattle in the first place.


My sister had gotten tickets and was wanting me to fly there to see the concert.

At The Gorge.


We drove from Seattle on Saturday morning - after I checked out the Farmers Market in my parent's town.

In their city! Simple and sweet.

My favorite - strawberry shortcake. Drool.

Cricky. (She might have gotten some shortcake.)

The drive was long. We went through beautiful tree-lined foresty areas to desert. High desert. And it was h.o.t. Like 116. Give or take a little.


and then desert.
This was the same road.

But all was good. We were there. At the famous Gorge. Fantastic. We decided (or Dru coerced me) to try the camping out there so we wouldn't have to drive to a hotel that night. I decided to be the nice sister and comply. And it wasn't too bad. She had nice stuff and there were no bugs in the tent. Outside the tent, yes. But not inside. Or I couldn't see any at least.

In Tent!

Our setup. Remember it was hot. Shade was important.

Our bathrooms. Actually not bad. We were like the last group in the area.

At like 6:30 pm, we decided to go to get out seats. We walked for 20 minutes (I timed it) to get to the concert area and it was just as simple as you could get. Got a good spot on the hill and camped out. And just looked around.

This was what we saw.

The concert goers.

At sunset.

And the concert was fantastic. I have the play list written down and will blog about that at another time. I can't believe I was actually there. Hot damn!

Here were some videos I took. Don't mind the crazy loud Del voice in the background. I like to sing.

Beginning of Viva la Vida

Ohhhhh. At end of Viva la Vida.


NanC said...

Loved the crazy Del voice in the background. That is the best part of the song! It looks like you all had an awesome time.

The Writer said...


I'm a terrific singer!