Friday, December 4

O' Christmas Tree

A fun tradition at Darin's parent's house was putting the Christmas tree up together. Well, since everyone's getting older and busier, we went over the weekend after Thanksgiving to keep the tradition alive. Though in a slighter way.

It was just us - Darin and I.

Others, Diana and Goestov, will also add ornaments at another time. They were busy, but were represented by Lady (their dog). The rest of the clan will come before Christmas when we open presents.

The naked tree.

Putting up the star.

And then came the ornaments. There were tons of them. Some broken, some unusual, some of the kids when they were little, some from the youngest (B., C., and S.).

My favorite of the bunch.

We put a gazillion of them on the tree.

And then we had to go home because Darin was playing his beloved golf.

Finished product.

Last, but not least. Lady. Supervising.

Christmas is almost here! Man, time flies.

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