Wednesday, September 3

Miss Maggie Mo

From the tune of Miss Mary Mack.

Miss Maggie Mo, Mo, Mo
Came for a visit, visit, visit
With lots of slobber, slobber, slobber
all over the floor, floor, floor

(The end)

I was trying to be creative, but I'm not in a rhyming mood... so.

We love our Maggie Mo, who belongs to Russell (a DVM I work with - he's a Senior Scientist at my job). Every once in awhile we get to dog sit her, and we never really want to give her back. She's just a special, sweet dog. And is like the most gentle big dog I've ever met.

One of my favorite things about her is that she scares the living &@*! out of people because of her size. And her loud bark.


But she's cuddly and friendly. And a wimp really. And Jake loves her to death (though if she stays for over a week, he gets moody because he definitely is an only dog).

Just wanted to post some pictures from when she was here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is she a great dane? she's so pretty!