Saturday, October 4

Finding Our 'Song'

For my birthday, Darin got us tickets to go see Maroon 5 and the Counting Crows!

Super cool.

I used to go see concerts a lot (2003 was, as I like to call it, my year of concerts because I saw lots of people/groups). Every once in awhile we get to see some band play at the House of Blues in Disney that we like, but haven't seen all that many recently. Boo. Hoo.

And actually, I saw Maroon 5 in 2003 in Charleston with Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson, and Ben Harper before the group (or any of them really) got too big and popular. So it was fun fun fun to see them again.

It was at the Ford Amphitheater in Tampa, and we had seats! (As apposed to the lawn.)

Our seats!


Friday night was probably one of the most beautiful nights this year. So gorgeous. It's beginning to be cooler at night here - the reason why so many come down to Florida for their winter. Just just got to sit, drink our $8 bud lights, and relax. So sweet.

Both bands were great! The Counting Crows played all the songs we knew and were super mellow.

Love music. Always have and always will.

We had a good good time.

Found a possible (?) wedding song... any one guess?


Anonymous said...

accidentally in love? =)

The Writer said...

@ Jenny - Nope. That is one of my favorite songs though!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm....can you give me hint from which band? was sara bareilles performing too?