Tuesday, October 14

Five Whole Years

Last Saturday, we celebrated Darin's (and my soon to be) nephew S.'s fifth birthday! Five.
How crazy is that?!

(Funny side note: S. is exactly 60 years younger than my Dad. How cute!)

Kevin, DJ, S., his sister, C., and their dog Daisy (Jake's cousin) came over from Tampa to party up the town.

Hmm. Can you party up the town when you're five?

We went and had lunch in the Village Center of Baldwin Park - it was a beautiful day!

Palm trees swayin' in the sunshine

Walked back over to Darin's parents' house to get some c.a.k.e. And open presents...

Daisy being so patient.

Checking out her other cousin, Lady.

Finally, had some cake and opened presents. We (mostly S. and C., well and me) had been eying that cake for the longest time.

Wow! The bounty!

Doesn't the long tube thing look like a pack of Smarties? It was a kite!

DJ and Kevin

We all had a super great time and devoured the cake. Darin's mom had made a bear cake - cut out different pieces of sheet cake to form a bear. Well, we all got to decide which part of the bear we wanted. I got an ear and a paw. So good. Poor bear. S. got the nose/mouth area. Don't remember what Darin got or anyone else for the matter - too busy enjoying the cake!

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