Thursday, September 17

Birthday Fondue

Well, yesterday was my birthday! I'm 29. How crazy is that?

Darin and I went to this great restaurant - check it out. The food and atmosphere was great and you can find coupons every where online!

(Sorry, forgot the camera - this was my phone's photos.)

Restaurant. It's very rustic.

Darin called ahead to get a reservation and told them it was my birthday - this was waiting for me when we arrived:

(My name's on the sign)

And the rest of the photos have a darkening effect - oops. At least I remembered to take some photos instead of just chowing down!

Darin with his beer. Tasty.

I got a beer flight. I tend to do this. I like beer. A lot.

So we got the everything special: salad, cheese, meat/veggies, chocolate. Too much food. We always do this to ourselves. It's worth being stuffed though. Definitely!



This restaurant was different than other ones as you cook your meat on a hot stone (like over 500 degrees F) and it's like they're grilled. Drool. We got chicken, steak, and shrimp. The shrimp were the best. They were just so good.

The stone. We had two!
(One got cold...)

And then Darin was nice and let me decide which chocolate we got to have - I choose milk chocolate. So good. And they brought me a birthday candle. Hurray!

We ate only a little of the chocolate. Darin just gave up trying to eat more, and I ate all the pretzels and then called it quits. But we got to bring the rest home.

Now I also want to mention that though the pictures make it seem like the meal was a quick one, we actually were eating for 1.5 hours. It's a nice s.l.o.w meal.

Love love love loved it!

With the moose!

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