Saturday, September 19

Experiencing Running in the Morning

So I've been running now in the mornings (my second week!) because I can't seem to find the time to run after work. Before, I'd run about 8-8:30 pm because it's HOT here in Florida and doesn't cool down until late.

But I was having a hard time with that. I would try to run earlier - like 6:30 pm or so, but then I'd have to eat by at least 5:30 (need at least an hour to digest, you see) and that would mean I'd have to be home by 5 pm to start on dinner.

And I don't get home by 5 pm.

And now, I've got all this weekday stuff to do almost every week - volunteering (Monday nights), flag football (Tuesday nights starting in two weeks), and then pottery (Thursday nights).

So when do I run so I can eat whatever I wish??

*** This is not why I run. I run for good heart health. Sweet and simple. ***

I decided to try to run in the mornings - I don't need to be at work until 9 am and really just spend a lot of time talking to Jake in the mornings... so I got my butt out of bed and started running.

And it's great!

Well maybe not great, but good. Semi-good. Actually, I'm pretty delirious and don't realize I'm actually running until like .5 miles in. I sort of fake myself out you see.

But... the purpose of this post was to share the exciting things I see in the morning compared to the night.

First is the sun coming up over the trees. A little annoying (it's bright) but I tend to zone the blinding light out and focus on the trees.

And then there are the animals. Last week I saw a bunny eating grass. And yesterday I saw two armadillos playing by a mailbox! I had never really seen armadillos before (other than dead ones) or ones trying to run away from the Jake monster. It was exciting.

And I see other people too. Mostly walkers and some others with dogs. I was running last Tuesday with the garbage men. They'd pick up some garbage, I'd run by. They'd go to the next house and pass me. Stop and pick up garbage, I'd run by again.

Good times.

And in actuality this is good because all of these little things help me keep my mind off what I am doing - running. Because I am not a runner. I was a sprinter a long time ago, but had the hardest time running a mile.

I can do it now, but it's nice to be distracted.

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