Tuesday, September 1

Flood Insurance?

So the labs where I work flooded today, Tuesday. I got into work about 9:15 am and nobody was around. Had no idea where they were... someone came in and was like, "you need to go back to the labs because they're flooded".


I guess one of our water purifiers broke and just spewed water everywhere all night long.

Thankfully nothing was damaged other than cardboard boxes and towels. It was pretty impressive to see all the water - the above pictures were taken about 2.5 hours after things were found out.

Everyone helped out. It was crazy. We were using anything to get the water off the floor! I was very impressed by how everyone worked together to get things cleaned up. Goes to show how great of a work environment I have.

Yikes. Biohazard galore.

Outside. We had so many cardboard boxes ruined.

Currently we have dryers everywhere in the labs - which is bad because we can't do lab work with things blowing all around us. Very un-sterile in case you didn't know. I guess I will just have to work at my desk today. Sigh. Will make for an interesting week...

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