Thursday, September 10

The Swine Flew

I'm not sure how many people know this (I'd think most), but I work for a immunology biotech company. And we deal with researching/developing vaccines, etc.

And we're working with the new 'news issue' - the sw!ne flu.

Today on our desk, we received this cute guy:

Get it. The swine flew.

The corresponding note said:
"In honor of the program contributing to saving our bacon, we officially declare today as H1N1 Day. The little flying pig not only represents 'Swine Flew' but also, our collective abilities at --- to turn the impossible into reality."

I guess I can explain that we just go a lot of money to test a vaccine - which helped us out a lot because we had been facing cutbacks due to the economy issue. It was a really cute thing to do for everyone here... goes to show you how great my company is!


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