Monday, August 11

I am so smart.

Happy Birthday Darin!

I think he had a good day - you'd have to ask him. All I know is that he was lazy this morning (which is a good thing, I think) and happy when he got home from work.

We had some friends over for dinner and instead of making a easy dinner (like steak or something on the grill), we made chicken parmesan. And by we I mean the birthday boy and me.

Draining the water...

Had a good time eating and watching the Olympics.

Frank and I; the Group - Kerry, Carrie, Mike, me, Frank, and Darin

Then he opened his presents - Kerry and Frank got him a fishing pole. It's pretty fantastic. I got him running shorts. Yeah, I know. But he needed them and wouldn't tell me what he wanted and I've lost all of my creativity with presents with him. Who doesn't wear flip-flops, honestly?! (I think that was two years ago...)

The 'pole'.

Oh, the title. I almost forgot. Carrie and Mike got Darin a Homer Simpson card that sings "I am so smart, I am so smart. S. M. A. R. I mean S. M. ART." I don't do it justice, but it's awesome.

Happy Birthday Buddy. I love you.

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