Sunday, August 10

Weekend Galore

First of all let me say that the Olympics are addictive. I just can't stop watching them. Darin is not effected by this at all, just me. And I guess Jake too because he sleeps on the couch next to me when I watch them. I watched the Opening Ceremonies on Friday night instead of going to Beer Olympics with my friend Carrie. It's sad.

Though Jake does keep himself entertained:

Saturday we went over to Darin's parents for his birthday dinner (his birthday is on Monday August 11th). Too much good food... and his mom's special cheesecake. I say special not because of the weird stuff she puts in it (come on people), but because it's like a combo cheesecake/key lime pie that's just wonderful. Ahh. (We have some leftovers in the fridge that I will eat later tonight unless Kerry or Darin have eaten it.)

Meatballs and Darin's cheesecake

Then today Darin decided he wanted to go to the beach - so off we went. I have to say we don't go to the beach often enough being that we live 30 minutes away (from Cocoa that is). It's pretty sad actually.

How beautiful is this? The beach and Darin on his boogie board (what a great picture!?)

Had a blast and I read my book. Darin boogied in the water. And saw a jellyfish so I didn't go in. I'm easily scared, what can I say. And I got a little red. Would post a picture, but I don't need people laughing at me.

That's it! Will post again on his actual birthday with presents and cake and all. Okay, he's not getting cake, but he doesn't like cake so... he's getting cobbler. Numm.

1 comment:

KaritaG said...

Okay, is it totally lame that I have no interest in summer olympics WHATSOEVER? I honestly didn't even know they were going to be on until like, last week.

And, key lime cheesecake? Please share the recipe. If you can. Jason would die.