Tuesday, August 5

Jake is Three

Or I guess it's what, 21 in dog years? His birthday was August 1, and I forgot. I guess since I was the one that made up the date, it's okay? Not sure. But I gave him a hug and wished him a happy birthday. No cake for him though - he did get an extra Scooby Snack (these are his absolute favorite).

Thought I'd put up some cute pictures of the little monster for those that don't know him (1) well (2) at all or (3) think he's cute and like his pictures!

Jake and his mama - the first day I got him; him eating a flip chip; and laying on the ottoman.

And last, but not least, Jake and his best buddy Dante singing. Jake loves to sing, howl, and make strange noises. It's one of his endearing qualities and makes him the cute/annoying/unique/fun dog that he is.

Happy Birthday to Our Pup!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Lady says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAKE!" (that sounds like "ruff ruff" to us) She wants to see him Saturday evening so she can give him his present! ;)