Thursday, September 25

Introducing: The Bridesmaids

In the far corner of the United States, there is the terrific state of Washington and the wonderful ever rainy Seattle.

State facts:
State Capitol - Olympia
State Bird - Willow Goldfinch (I like birds. Deal with it.)
State Song - Washington, My Home
State Fossil - Mammoth
State Dance - Square Dance (Oh yea!)
State Vegetable - Onion

I could go on and on... but there are also apples, coffee, and ... my parents.

And my sister, Dru. Bridesmaid #1.

We met when I was born or so I assume. She was mean to me when I was little and has much improved. I call her first and always. She is my best friend.

In the other corner of the US, a little to the west and not actually in the US, but Canada... is Guelph, Ontario.

Provence facts:
* I was all excited about the State facts, it kind of translates.
Provence Capital - Toronto
Provence Bird - Common Loon (that's funny.)
Provence Song - A Place to Stand
Provence Fossil - unfortunately unknown
Provence Dance - unfortunately unknown
Provence Vegetable - stupid Provencals for not having this information available

There lives Dr./Ms. Katherine Christa or KC, Bridesmaid #2.

Casey is my other sister. That's the easiest way to explain to people how much she means to me.

In the lower corner, if we sidetrack again to the Western United States to the third largest state, we come to California. The city of San Diego to be more exact.

State facts:
State Capitol - Sacramento
State Bird - California Valley Quail (yikes.)
State Song - I love you, California
State Fossil - Sabertooth tiger
State Dance - West Coast Swing (now that's more like it.)
State Vegetable - None. Very sad, really.

Here lives Melissa, Bridesmaid #3.

Melissa is the friend that makes me cry/laugh/smile/shout for joy. She is wonderful in every way.

And last, but not least, in the center corner is the beautiful, corn-filled, soybean harvesting, pizza making, Illinois. Chicago, Illinois.

State facts:
State Capitol - Springfield
State Bird - Cardinal
State Song - Illinois, Illinois
State Fossil - Tully Monster
State Dance - Square Dance (not too creative, hmm?)
State Vegetable - None. But I'm voting for corn.

Here lives Julie, Bridesmaid #4.

Jules is crazy, down-hearted, and the one who makes me special. I have always felt we have a bond that just magically appeared one day and hasn't weakened.

I'm so glad that they all will share my wedding day with me.

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