Wednesday, September 17

South Carolina Visit: Day One

Our adventure began...

Darin and I were headed up to South Carolina for some r and r and f. (rest, relaxation, and football). On Friday we left semi early (like nine am, which I know is not early at all, but considering Darin had already worked three hours, it's understandable) to head up to the Clemson area to stay and dog/cat-sit for our friends Paul and Ann. They had invited us up a couple of weeks ago because they were headed out and about, and had a free house for us to stay at. On a lake. In the middle of no-where (sorry Paul and Ann, but you are in the goonies). With hummingbirds. (I love hummingbirds). And a Bodie-dog. And lots of other things.

Yea for free houses.

Though annoyed on our way North because of ridiculous gas prices (can we say price gouging, really), we made it in time to do dinner with our friend LaShan. Hurray!

She was going out of town the next morning (for a cruise, no fair!) and luckily we got to see her before she left. We went to Applebees.

Our fake smiles. Come on, how can you not think this is awesome?


And this little lovely was dessert. It was key lime pie.

We bonded. As always.

Then went back to P and A's and played with Bodie (the dog) and Cadbury (the cat). Such fun hosts!

More to come.

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