Friday, September 19

Twenty Eight Years Later

You get the reference? (It's pretty stupid, beware.)

My birthday was on Tuesday.

We celebrated it on Wednesday.

(It's never too late to celebrate birthdays. Never.)

Darin had invited some friends of mine over for a nice simple dinner. There was: Anupama and Kucku (very good friends who moved down from Clemson with me), Kerry and Edith (Kerry's girlfriend who lives in London), and Mike (Darin's best friend and my very good friend too).

We had tacos.

Darin made dinner. Kerry and Edith helped (and made this tasty drink - Pimms - Edith had brought from London. They added Sprite, cucumbers, strawberries, mint, and ice), and Kucku, Anu, and I talked.

* note, the pictures were fuzzy because I had my camera set on the wrong setting. sorry.

Anupama and Kucku.


Darin, Jake, and I.

Now for as long as I can remember, I've had a special birthday cake. I mean, not special per se, just bought with care? Does that make sense?

My first year in college, my mom had one of my friends go to the neighborhood bakery (which happened to be Merritt's for all those Tulsa people out there) and get me a cake. For my 18th birthday. And it was special because my mom made the great effort to get me a cake. Whether it was in Tulsa, Clemson, Pawleys, or here in Orlando, cakes had to be my favorite part of my birthday.

Darin got me one from Cold Stone.


It was chocolate cake with Oreo/sweet cream ice cream.

And the presents were great too.

Thanks for the phone calls, ecards, and well wishes!

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