Saturday, April 18

The D.sappearing Island

The Saturday before Palm Sunday, Brad, Karen, and J. invited Darin and I out to try and find D.sappearing Island. Ha ha. They already knew where it was, and we found it again.

Met them in South Daytona at their harbor for a boat trip.

We. Love. Boat. Trips.

Was so excited - hadn't hung out with them for awhile and it was good to talk shop and all that jazz. They have a beautiful un-named boat and a terrific crazy 6 year old. Can you say, "fun in the sun"?

Darrell, being useful

Captain Brad

First Lady Karen
I made up the title. Not sure what it would be.

So we took the boat down (south) the Halifax River past the restaurant (under Port Orange bridge) Our Place Down Under, which we came back to later for dinner. Drool.

Went past the lighthouse on Ponce Inlet right by where the Halifax goes into the ocean - catty corner maybe, and found the Disappearing Island. It disappears when the tide come in! Tide was out, so there was the island and our little bit of heaven and sunshine for the afternoon.

Parked the boat

And played in the sand.
Darin and J.

Got a little bit red from the trip out to the island, but nothing too horrible. It was different being on a little island - we could see the dog beach on New Smyrna, where we went the week before with Janice and Tony (and Jake too).

About three hours later, the tide came in and the island disappeared. It was strange to see the small warm pools of water we were laying in become ocean.

It's the little things about Florida that make it just an amazing place to live.

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