Thursday, April 2

Oh April Fools

Darin got it good yesterday. Good job Mike.

From Darin:

So around 4:20 I started getting these "wrong number" phone calls asking about the swing for sale.

After the fifth, all of whom asked about the "For Sale" swing, I became suspicious. When the 6th person called I asked where this listing was posted. "Why on Craigslist, of course", he said. So I looked for it...see attachment.

Craigslist Ad:

Please do not call after 6 pm! I am offering for free a recreational swing. This swing is great but I need some room for the new baby crib. The sex swing was a gift from my bachelor party and works great.

First Come First Serve

Darin 407-xxx-xxxx

The sex swing.



My evil sister and mother got me. Not nearly as bad as Darin.

Because of the April Fools virus, I had called the night before to make sure my parents computer was safe and sound - for Christmas this past year, Darin fixed it up for them, adding new memory and making sure their updates were all set. I thought they would be fine, but I wanted to make sure everything was okay.

So I called my sister yesterday and she was like, " I just talked to mom and they have a bad computer virus. You need to call them and help them figure it out." Oh damn, I thought and called them right away.

My mom is like, oh Word isn't working and there is this weird screen saver and we can't get anything to work. I was ALL worried. And then she April Fooled me.

Man oh man.

Next year people. Next year.

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