Sunday, April 5

The First Get Together

The Thursday night before the wedding, we had our first Wedding Outing.

It was crazy.

People were coming from every direction - from Disney, College Park, East Orlando, Downtown.

And we decided (stupid stupid idea) to try to meet by Lake Eola - at Tijuana Flats. Where there was no parking whatsoever and in the middle of downtown Orlando. Oh well.

Thankfully, beer was plentiful and people found there way. How can some things work out so well!

The peeps.

Tijuana Flats was a fun place to meet - you can order this great Mexican food and there was beer on special. Perfect. We just sat around and stared at each other. And people talked to new friends and old. It was a great way to start off a busy early weekend!


Keay and Carol

Kay with a beer. I found this greatly amusing.

Dru and Melissa

Del and Darin

Linda and Ron

Once again, thanks to everyone who made it out that day!

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