Wednesday, April 22

A Special Day - Three Years

I bet you're thinking, oh it's Darin and Del's anniversary.

We'll it's not. (Over four years, people. Though now we get to start fresh - much better...)

It was three years ago today that I (along with Darin's guidance) adopted Jacob Tiger. (Though he didn't get his official name until later, he was just Jake).

I had wanted a dog for a long time - have had dogs my whole life. Sunshine, Cotton, Molly, Izzy, and Cricket. We were a dog family through and through.

Darin's family was a dog family as well. There was Rusty and the ever missed Poo Bear.

I waited until I was at a "more responsible" period in my life before I started looking for a dog. It was tough for a long time in graduate school and when I first moved here, but eventually I saved up enough money to afford Jake and the pet deposit in my apartment complex. Yikes.

So this day, three years before, Darin and I went to Petsmart and looked at the dogs I had been mooning over for the past week. I got Jake from a rescue organization called A New Beginning. Jake's previous owner contacted this organization and brought him there - Jake was never in a kennel always in a house with other dogs. They were generous and kind, and I knew they had loved Jake. I had gotten him from a great place.

And now I had a dog of my own.

He was a strange dog at first. Very possessive with his toys and had the strangest tail wag of any dog I had ever seen.

Now I've come to realize we got a great dog with tons of character and love. If you've met him for yourself, you know what I'm talking about.

Just wanted to share Jake's story. Along with a gazillion photos!

Here's to many more years crazy Jake.


Our first picture.

Look at how dark his face was!

A current picture.

His crate. He loved it, would just go in there and sleep.
Now he has our bed.

Dog park!

With his favorite friends... Dante and Lady

And of course Maggie Moe

One of his many toys (which he has killed).

And lastly with his favorite person. His Darin.

And believe me, there will be many many more pictures in the future!

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