Wednesday, September 22

Dad's Favorite Place

Going to head over to one of my father's favorite places.

I'm not sure if it's "of all time", but I'm pretty sure it's up there. Or the concept of the place is.

I am speaking of Goodwill.

There just happens to be one five minutes from our new apartment, and I want one of the shower container things for shampoo and stuff. And I don't want to buy one full price. Or go somewhere to actually get a new one. And I think I've donated a couple myself.... so we'll see.

I also want to get a shower curtain, but not sure if they have those. Sigh. Is it gross to get a used shower curtain? I mean, I'll clean it and all. (Or at least I'll tell people I did, kidding.) Now I don't think I'd do towels, but maybe if they were new looking (had this conversation with my sister the other day). But I think I would with a comforter because I would use my old comforter, you know? But would I have used Darin's? I guess we did for some time, so probably would use a strangers as well.

Wish me luck on finding bathroom stuff. Don't want to buy new - so Goodwill here I come.

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