Monday, September 20

Darin vs. Jake's Toys


While moving (yes I know I'm blogging a lot about this recently because well that's what we had been doing for the past couple weeks), we found the box of need I say 'retired' toys from Jake. They were all lovingly given to us from various people, loved by Jake for maybe 10 minutes, and then killed by Jake shortly after.

(I've kind of learned since that he can only have a stuffed animal toy for a short part of time before he starts trying to get to the squeaky).

We thought it would be fun to add some photos of them (with Darin's help).


Killer upside-down duck?

Vampire lion and bear?

Ninja hedgehog?

One legged sheep

No eyed cow.

Attacking an already attacked purple monster!

He has more. Don't worry. At least I didn't show you a picture of what happened to the blue arm of the 4-armed Kong toy. It was a very scary sight.

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