Monday, September 6

From Jake's Perspective

1. For a couple of weeks now, we've been packing up the house. Spending time going though stuff - creating a lot of trash. Making sure things were organized.

2. We went through his stuff - throwing away old toys, etc. He can see them in the trash can (and would often try to rescue them).

3. Boxes upon boxes were stacking up everywhere.

4. He was tied up outside while people came (though very known people) and removed all of the boxes from his house. He wanted to help, but alas was tied up and couldn't.

5. His Aunt Diana took him with his Uncle Gus for a car ride and dropped him off at a strange place where they cut his fur and trimmed his toenails. His parents abandoned him. He was a sad dog.

6. His Darin found him again at the scary place, drove in the wrong direction from his home, and placed him in a new place where all the right smells were.

7. He found his bone and bed. But still, the carpet was new. But the bed was the same. He was a little confused.

8. He realized there were so many new smells outside - his nemesis the rottweilers were nowhere to be seen. But he did see an unknown cat.

9. The next day he went back to his old house, through his dog door, and got to talk to his buddies - the golfers. But nothing was in his old house. No dog bed outside to sit on and enjoy the sunshine. No couch to lay on.

10. And then more boxes and another trip to the place with the new smells.

11. But his Mama and (most importantly) his Darin were there. So all was well.

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