Wednesday, September 15

The Ongoing Obsession

Since my car is about to reach the 100,000 mile mark, I for some strange reason have been majorly obsessing about getting a new car.

I am not getting a new car. Nothing (for the most part) is wrong with my current car and I almost have it paid off.

Anyway. It comes and goes every other month I'd say. Darin has been pretty good about it - semi-supporting my obsession but then making me see reason. He doesn't say anything to make me see reason, mind you. It's that he doesn't say anything. Which is annoying, but at least consistent. And then I realize myself it's probably not a good time to get a new car especially when you don't need one. I'm being responsible, see?

So to get on to the cars.

(1) Ford Edge

I think this is the cutest car ever. And yes, I like cars on how they look. Come on, my first car was a Saab people?! And there are a lot of them here in Florida for some reason - when I was up visiting my parents awhile ago, I tried to spot one for my Mom to see, but we never found one. I really love the eggshell color. So cute! So I see them all the time which just adds to my obsession about getting one.

(2) Ford Fusion Hybrid

Both Darin and I like this car. Could be that it was named (2010 Motor Trend Car of the Year) as best car of 2010. It's very sleek and suave. Ahh. And I think a car would be ideal for us compared to an SUV/Crossover just because of all of the driving we do. But it's such an adult car. You know?

(3) Honda Element

I know this car was made initially for men (did you know this?), but I love it anyway. I think it's because I like the strangeness of how it looks. And how very modern and simplistic it is by design. And I love the colors it comes in. This obsession is particularly bad because there is one currently for sale in front of a bank I drive by every day going/coming to work.

Make it stop.

Kidding. I have enough self control to handle this for awhile longer. Plus I really like my car - it's just not a new cute car, but a boring almost-paid-off car. There is no excitement there. Maybe I should just paint it purple?

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