Wednesday, August 19

Before and After: Carpet

We got our carpets cleaned by St@nley Steamer.

Don't know why we waited so long to try them because they were fantastic. I think that my camera did a freakishly good job of showing the dirty spots. And now they are mostly gone.

Took some photos before and after. I have to say that initially I didn't think the cleaning would do anything. I kind of have a very negative outlook towards our carpets.

By kitchen

By front door

The guys were very nice too. I guess they see a lot of people. Jake didn't particularly care for the giant vacuum thing and I had to give him a pig ear to shut him up. And yes, I think it actually was a pig ear. Gross. Our neighbors gave them to him for his birthday. Yak.


By front door.

Pathway to kitchen.

Impressive, isn't it! I'm very proud. Definitely recommend them.

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