Monday, August 31

First day of class

As I had mentioned previously, I am taking a class in pottery making.

We walked in (a coworker and I) and realized we were late. I guess we both got the time wrong - don't you hate when that happens. Our teacher, Barbara, was already on the wheel centering the clay. This was (and will be, I presume) the hardest part of the whole clay pot making experience. She finished and everyone got to work.

And we were standing there looking stupid. Sigh. We got our giant amount of clay (25 pounds) and stared.

The clay.

Ended up starting with four balls of clay and tried to create something magnificent. I did succeed on one. Nice. At least we can use the 'dead' clay at a later time.


I got a little dirty on the first day.

Pants. And shoes.

You should have seen my towel. I brought it home and Jake tried to roll all over it. I guess it smelled good a dirty.

Next time I'm wearing running shorts and flip flops. Take that dirt.

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